Friday, November 7, 2014

igorot gateway

i am from bunga and payeo-
i learned these facts when i was 5
when mother took me to besao for a visit.
as far as i could remember,
the bus traversed the halsema highway,
a long and winding road sculpted on the ridges
and slopes of mountains and hills
at the center of the land-locked cordillera central,
beautiful and striking sceneries of summer day
were painted with sunshine and fogs hues
on the magnificent canvas nature.
after hours we started going up until we reached
a place of persimons, pears and etags.
'twas my first time to eat persimon and pear,
and they were all gorged down through my mouth
smoothly and easily as the botanical sweet-tasting juice
of Jove dosed my travel-weary young mind and body.
the road from sagada to besao was narrow,
bumpier and have some sharper curves.
when we passed sagada, it was something
like we've just passed the gate where everything
became a thrill in my senses,
the air was colder and the distances were grayer.
every bus stop felt like we've already reached our destination,
the further we moved the more tension and weight
would wreck my seat, it was until we've finally reached
the central when we happily alighted from the bus.
we traveled by foot and before we reached the place,
we first walked some century old foot trails,
a hanging bridge, camotal gardens and orchards.
when we have finally reached bunga,
i felt so natural in the place although some peers teased me
like i was a stranger in their place.
after some rest, the other children took me to the creek
where everybody's panning for 'sugar grains' with circular disc,
which was very different from what they use in the mines of my birth
where bigger panning board was being used for a different metal.
they would give me a fresh ripe avocado that tasted like milked avocado,
a bowl of sweet potatoes that were chipped and sun-dried
to make them taste even more sweeter,
other older children with some adults would take us younger ones
to the river pool to swim, since i was only 5 i just stayed at the shallow portion.
in the evening after meal, we, old and young ones would gather
around a gas lamp and share and listen to some stories
from surreal tales to mundane anecdotes.
in the morning, the hearth is alive, meal is being cooked,
live fireside chat would be heard from the folks preparing the meal.
the after-breakfast would be another toil in the farms and workplaces,
socialization sometimes would be done while working
to ease the hard works and boost productivity.
it was truly a priceless moment to be with relatives and folks in the native land.
when we left bunga, we first trekked kin-iway to visit other relatives,
after that, we moved on and were able to board a bus bound for baguio.
in baguio, we boarded another bus for the kaingin mines
where i have budded and lived in the layasan.
the progenitors were nomads and travelers,
they assumed many features while moving from places to places.
they passed their genes with memories of their history
thus the generations would not stay in one place also
as they're moving outward and bound to mix with each other
on this elliptical world of network and connectivity.
and from this viewpoint, the place called cordillera,
must be the gateway of an austronesian generation called igorots.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

life mix

life is the wind crashing on the face,
the air that is inhaled and exhaled,
and the oxygen in the canister..
life is the daily sustenance,
the healthy and unhealthy foods,
and the matter of choice..
it is a river flowing to the sea,
a current above the rocks and silts,
and a cliff of falling water..
it is the seasons of the year,
the storms and calm of d weather,
and the cycle of night and day..
it is a collage of memories,
a time of experiencing joy & grief,
and a path back home to God..
it began upon the sacred union,
the ensoulment of the organism,
and primal inception of the world..
it may not end with death,
may corrode back to the elements,
and may but continue in the afterlife..
a cornucopia of illness and wellness;
pain, evil, reliefs and pleasures;
and fears and surprises..
it is what we think and imagine;
what we speak, act, and learn;
and the development and the growth..
it is breathing and beating;
feelings, emotions and thoughts;
and actions, deeds and will..
marching towards the uncertain,
resting confusions at the crossroad,
and calvary to the pleasant dreams..
a fliptopping and rapping,
bombasting and screaming,
and beatboxing and modulating..
it is a runaway train on the go,
a prison cell with sky-dome,
and a settling down for love..
life is the silence of the night,
the spiel in the day time,
and the sound of earth's rotation..
it is a beautiful garden of flowers,
a field of mushroom plutonium,
and a story of vanquish and glory..
it is a matter of letting go,
a matter of holding on,
and matter of refreshing..
life is the waiting terminal,
the roadside bus stop,
and the embarkation airport..
it is an open curtain;
a furled sail, flag, and banner;
and a tabula already filled up..
a moment of childhood,
a time of adolescence and adulthood,
and then being a guide in a hood..
it is a plane in the endless sky,
a boat at the wavy ocean,
and a vehicle on the bumpy road..
an orchids on the tree,
a tree on the tophill,
and a tophill on the valley..
it is watching and participating;
playing, crouching, and striving;
and breaking and mending..
it is the dawning of the day,
the turning of wheel in the sky,
and the slumbering at night..
it is the chasing of dreams,
the failure and the success,
and the invictus of mankind,..
it is for the brave and courageous;
for the adventurous & lover of life;
and for ulysses, up to the lees..
it is your perception of the world;
your conducts, habits and ways;
and your existence-done time..
it is a wonderful journey,
a quest for sorrows and happiness,
and a search for base and destiny..
it is the love of yourself,
love of others and humanity,
and love of family and God..
the daily motion of work;
social networks, hanging out;
and the product of moves that you make..
it can be read from the Book of Life,
can be heard from the Bible,
and can be written by your own pen..
life is what we break it,
it is what we make it,
is what we receive
and what we give
and what we do everyday
what we dream every night..
and what we left in the past,
what we live today,
and what will ever the future unfolds
before each and everyone..

Saturday, November 2, 2013

haiku plus

hot and burning sun
under the deep and clear river
is a coin of gold.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The choosing

Watch them as they fall
Like raindrops into the ground,
Like falling leaves in the wind;
You kissed the ground
Where they fall on their knees,
Exploding like bombs,
And crashing like planes;
Close your eyes and move from
These ordeals and nightmares,
To open and love yourself,
And embrace your own dream.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


The sounds of gangsa and solibao
are just one voice aflame
that my kindred spirits kept in me.
It is my culture, I will take from it
the good and leave the bad
to keep the flame burning
on the path to all that is.

This is the voice of my kindred spirits
that I will speak today and tomorrow
for the generations to listen to,
for them to grow like the healthy plants
beside the river that always flow.
Flowing through its own way
‘Til it finally finds the others for its glory.

fb dose

can't breath if i don't talk,
feel restless if i'm withdrawn,
awkward moments are spent in fb,
so, pardon me if i appear in fb
most of the times each day.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weary Dove On The Roof Of A Church

There are crimson patches in the sky where poets used to fly.
In the middle of nowhere one has touched down,
Agonizing in pain, and striving to see again the horizon.
Dear, you have chosen your path and ignored him so hard.
Him who whispered your name you really sent to the wretched fields of pain.

Life is not yet, but to close his eyes is a sweet oblivion of his reality.
Drifting through freely with the strange sounds and rustles of the stray wind,
Wouldn’t he know you and you either couldn’t remember him.
Life is too bold and cold and fearsome for the defeated warrior.
The little thing you thrusted into his heart has burned alone unto his soul.
It is the great burden he will carry all through his devastated life.

You really are the fair maiden of the mountains and valleys,
The lady mirage in the desert and the colorful bird high up in the sky.
Ever not deserving the tone of a dead song
For you only belong in the heavens,
And all the best things should you only discern.

To be dead and keep dying is not painful until the heart
So told of its misfortune.Yes, every moment is good and fine
Until the whole place turn into a pit of nettles and thorns.
What more in that man to wash him with your rain
If the cold flame is made unconquerable like the cold fate?

Fate is fate, if it is conquered, then it is fate.
Lucky is he who is the master of fate, he can have it good.
The blessed one is lucky as he can partake on heaven and earth's grace.
Lucky is he who is being lucky for fate is either bad or good.
So, lucky is he whom you will give them all
Because you are all the precious and the end of quest.

The casualty remains..and in his mind your song vibrates
Like the itch under his scabbed wing.
Trembling to shove your poison, all is getting worse.
If you remember him, you may take his hand now
Or you may let the rain wash away his ashes into the ocean floor.

And when the time comes the silver string snaps and burns,
The light will engulf your everything, all is good and beautiful.
Over there is the path of your eternal travel..
Surely he is also beautiful and compelling, and maybe..
He still haven’t changed his good and gentle heart..