Sunday, July 26, 2020

Where Do I Belong In The Church?

*1. Pillars - worship regularly, giving time and money.

2. Supporters - give time and money if they like the minister and treasurer.

3. Leaners - use the church for funerals, baptisms and marriage, but give no time or money to support the Church.

4. Working leaners - work but do not give money.

5. Specials - help and give occasionally for something that appeals to them.

6. Annuals - or Easter birds - dress up, look serious, and go to Church on Easter.

7. Sponges - take all blessings and benefits, even the sacraments, but give no money to support the Church.

8. Tramps - go from Church to Church but support none.

9. Gossips - talk freely about everyone except the Lord Jesus.

10. Scrappers - take offense, criticize, and fight.

11. Orphans - are children sent by parents who do not set them an example.

12. Backsliders - "go back and walk no more with Jesus." - St. John 6:66

​13. Hypocrites - are leaners who say they are better than Church goers.

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