Sunday, October 6, 2013

The farmer and the gentle breeze

As the hot and hard wind
Of warm sunny day trickled,
Something has brought thee
Under the shade of a tree
Where catnap was perfect
After an early morning toil
At the green emblazoned field;
The cool shade has invited slumber
While the gentle breeze carried thee
To the timeless moment of dream
Of abundant crops of thy patience
For the mouths of hungry nation.

The gentle breeze will come and go
To make thee dream of the harvest
That at the end after reaping,
Thee shall feed the whole nation;
But thy food may really reach not
The poorest of this poor nation
Like the gentle breeze that do not
Really seem to blow anywhere.

The reality is harsh for thee
As dream is an empty reality
That needs words and works;
In thy weakening or stopping,
All must go out to thy field
To feel the hot and hard wind
And to dream under the shade
While the gentle breeze blows
On everybody with ripened
Abundant growth of economy.

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